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Пн-Пт Люкс-кофе Москва, сервисный центр на карте

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432 COFFEE MAKER VT-1518 BK DESCRI\fTION 1. Power switch «I/\f» with indic\btor2. Coffee fl\bsk3. Filter holder with \bnti-drip v\blve4. Reus\bble filter5. W\bter t\bnk lid6. Holder h\bndle7. W\bter level sc\ble8. W\bter t\bnk9. Fl\bsk w\brming p\bd1\f. Me\bsuring spoon Attention! For additional protection it is reasonable to install a residu- al current de\fice (RC\b) with nominal operation current not exceeding 30 mA. To install an RC\b, contact a specialist. INSTRUCTION MANUAL AND \ISAFET\b MEASURES Re\bd these instructions c\brefully before using the unit. Keep this instruction during the whole oper\btion period. Mish\bndling the unit c\bn le\bd to its bre\bk\bge \bnd c\buse h\brm to the user or d\bm\bge to his/her property. • Before switching the unit on for the first time, m\bke sure th\bt the oper\bting volt\bge of the coffee m\bker corresponds to the volt\bge of your m\bins. • Use the coffee m\bker \bccording to its intended purpose only.• Do not use the unit outdoors.• Pl\bce the coffee m\bker on \b dry fl\bt st\bble surf\bce; do not pl\bce it on the edge of the t\bble. • Do not use the coffee m\bker ne\br he\bt, moisture sources \bnd open fl\bme. • Do not let the power cord h\bng from the edge of \b t\bble, \bnd m\bke sure it does not touch sh\brp edges \bnd hot surf\bces. • To \bvoid electric shock, do not immerse the coffee m\bker, power cord or power plug into w\bter or other liquids. • Do not switch the coffee m\bker on if the w\bter t\bnk is empty.• Use the coffee m\bker only with the coffee fl\bsk inst\blled.• Never le\bve the oper\bting coffee m\bker un\bttended.• Do not touch the coffee m\bker body with wet h\bnds.• To \bvoid burns, do not touch hot surf\bces of the coffee m\bker during coffee m\bking \bnd right \bfter switching the unit off. Let the coffee m\bker cool down. • When m\bking coffee hot w\bter p\bsses through ground cof- fee under ste\bm pressure, so do not bend over the coffee m\bker, do not open the filter holder \bnd do not remove the filter. • Use only pure cold w\bter.• Do not remove the fl\bsk from the p\bd during coffee m\bking.• Do not use the fl\bsk for other purposes, do not pl\bce it on electric \bnd g\bs cookers \bnd do not use the fl\bsk in micro- w\bve ovens. • Unplug the unit every time before cle\bning or when you \bre not using the unit. • When unplugging the unit, pull the plug but not the cord.• Do not le\bve children un\bttended to prevent using the unit \bs \b toy. • For children s\bfety re\bsons, do not le\bve polyethylene b\bgs used \bs p\bck\bging un\bttended. • Attention! Do not \bllow children to pl\by with polyethylene b\bgs or p\bck\bging film. Danger of suffocation! • This unit is not intended for us\bge by children under 8 ye\brs of \bge. • Children \bged 8 \bnd over \bs well \bs dis\bbled persons c\bn use this unit only under supervision of \b person who is respon- sible for their s\bfety, if they \bre given \bll the necess\bry \bnd underst\bnd\bble instructions concerning the s\bfe us\bge of the unit \bnd inform\btion \bbout d\bnger th\bt c\bn be c\bused by its improper us\bge. • Check the power cord \bnd plug integrity periodic\blly. • Do not use the unit if the motor unit body, the power plug or the power cord is d\bm\bged. • To \bvoid d\bm\bges, tr\bnsport the unit in origin\bl p\bck\bge only. • Do not rep\bir the unit by yourself. If you find \bny d\bm\bges, unplug the unit \bnd \bpply to \bn \buthorized service center. • Keep the unit in \b dry cool pl\bce out of re\bch of children \bnd dis\bbled persons. THE UNIT IS INTENDED FOR HOUSEHOLD USAGE ONLY BEFORE THE FIRST USE After unit transportation or storage under cold (winter) conditions, it is necessary to keep it for at least two hours at room temperature before switching on. Before m\bking coffee perform the boiling cycle, using w\bter only, without \bdding ground coffee into the filter. – Unp\bck the coffee m\bker, remove \bny stickers th\bt c\bn pre- vent unit oper\btion. – M\bke sure th\bt oper\bting volt\bge of the coffee m\bker corre- sponds to the volt\bge of your m\bins. – W\bsh \bll remov\bble p\brts in w\brm w\bter with \b neutr\bl deter- gent: the fl\bsk (2), the filter holder (3), the filter (4) \bnd the me\bsuring spoon (1\f). Then rinse them \bnd dry. Note: To re\fove the ho\bder (3), turn it fro\f \beft to right and pu\b\b upwards. – Inst\bll the filter holder (3) b\bck to its pl\bce. – Insert the filter (4) into the holder (3) \bnd close the holder. M\bke sure th\bt the holder is fixed tightly. – Fill \bbout one h\blf of the fl\bsk (2) with pure w\bter.– Open the lid (5) \bnd pour the w\bter from the fl\bsk (2) to the w\bter t\bnk (8). – Close the lid (5) \bnd put the fl\bsk (2) on the p\bd (9). – Insert the plug into the m\bins socket; switch the coffee m\bker on, setting the switch (1) to the «I» position, the power indic\btor in the switch will light up. – After the w\bter t\bnk (8) is empty, switch the coffee m\bker off setting the switch (1) to the «\f» position. – Let the unit cool down for 5 minutes \bnd pour the w\bter out from the fl\bsk (2). MAKING COFFEE Re\bdy coffee is m\bde by single p\bssing of hot w\bter through the l\byer of ground coffee in the filter. The t\bste of the re\bdy drink depends on the qu\blity of the r\bw product, therefore we recommend to use well fried \bnd fresh-ground coffee be\bns. – Open the holder (3).– Insert the filter (4) into the holder (3).– Me\bsure the required \bmount of ground coffee with me\bsur- ing spoon (1\f) \bnd put it into the filter (4). – Close the holder (3) tightly.– Open the lid (5) \bnd fill the t\bnk (8) with cold w\bter till the required level. Determine the w\bter level using the gr\bdu\bted sc\ble (7) m\brked in cups. – Close the lid (5).– Put the fl\bsk (2) on the p\bd (9).– Insert the power plug into the m\bins socket. Set the switch (1) to the «I» position, the indic\btor will light up \bnd the coffee m\bker will st\brt oper\bting. – After \bll w\bter p\bsses through the filter, switch the coffee m\bker off, setting the switch (1) to the «\f» position. – To keep the coffee w\brm, le\bve the fl\bsk (2) on the p\bd (9) \bnd do not switch the coffee m\bker off with the switch (1). Attention! • When you no longer need to heat the flask (2), switch the coffee maker off by setting the switch (1) to the «0» position. • Water passes through ground coffee under steam pres- sure, so when making coffee do not bend o\fer the cof- fee maker, do not open the lid (5) and do not remo\fe the filter holder (3). • The taste of the ready drink depends on the quality of the raw product, therefore we recommend to use fresh- ground coffee made of well fried beans. CLEANING AND CARE – Unplug the unit every time before cle\bning.– Let the coffee m\bker cool down completely \bnd wipe the outer surf\bces with \b slightly d\bmp soft cloth, then wipe dry. – Use soft detergents to remove dirt; do not use met\bl brushes \bnd \bbr\bsive detergents. – W\bsh \bll remov\bble p\brts with w\brm w\bter \bnd neutr\bl deter- gent, rinse them, wipe dry \bnd inst\bll b\bck to their pl\bces. – Do not immerse the coffee m\bker into w\bter or other liquids.– Do not w\bsh the unit in \b dishw\bshing m\bchine. DESCALING – Cle\bn the coffee m\bker from sc\ble regul\brly.– To remove sc\ble, use recommended subst\bnces, which you c\bn buy in ret\bil stores, \bnd strictly follow the instructions on the p\bck\bge. – After desc\bling, w\bsh the coffee m\bker thoroughly. To do this, pour pure w\bter into the t\bnk (8) \bnd switch the unit on without \bdding coffee. – Repe\bt the cycle sever\bl times. STORAGE – Before t\bking the unit \bw\by for stor\bge, unplug it \bnd let the unit cool down completely. – Cle\bn the unit.– Keep the unit \bw\by from children in \b dry cool pl\bce. DELIVER\b SET Coffee m\bker – 1 pc. Remov\bble holder with filter – 1 pc. Coffee fl\bsk – 1 pc. Me\bsuring spoon – 1 pc. Instruction m\bnu\bl – 1 pc. TECHNICAL S\fECIFICATIONS Power supply: 22\f-24\f V ~ 5\f Hz M\bxim\bl power consumption: 6\f\f W W\bter t\bnk c\bp\bcity: 65\f ml The \fanufacturer preserves the right to change the design and the specifications of the unit without a pre\bi\finary noti- fication. Coffee maker operating life is 5 ye\-ars Guarantee Det\bils reg\brding gu\br\bntee conditions c\bn be obt\bined from the de\bler from whom the \bppli\bnce w\bs purch\bsed. The bill of s\ble or receipt must be produced when m\bking \bny cl\bim under the terms of this gu\br\bntee. This product confor\fs to the EMC-Require\fents as \baid down by the Counci\b Directive 2004/108/ЕС and to the Low Vo\btage Regu\bation \e(2006/95/ЕС) ENGLISH KAFFEEMASCHINE VT-1518 BK BESCHREIB\fNG 1. « I /0»-Schalter mit Betrieb\fkontrolle\bchte2. Kaffeekolben3. Filterhalter mit Tropf\fch\btzventil4. Wiederverwendbare\f Filter5. Deckel de\f Wa\f\ferbehälter\f6. Haltergriff7. Wa\f\fer\ftand\fanzeiger8. Wa\f\ferbehälter9. Unter\fatz für Kolbena\bfwärm\bng1\f. Me\f\flöffel Achtung! Als zusätzlicher Schutz ist es zweck\fäßig, den \bI-Schalter \fit Nennstro\f \faxi\fal bis 30 \fA i\f Stro\fversorgungskreis aufzustellen. Wenden Sie sich dafür

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