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1 Кофе варк а Эс прессо /Кап учин о VT-1 514 BK Co ffee ma ker Es presso /Ca ppu ccio 4 10 17 24 31 37 43 50 57 VT-1514_IM.indd 107.12.2012 9:29:23 1 2 7 3 5 6 4 12 12 9 8 10 11 16 17 1820 24 25 21 22 19 13 14 15 23 Автома тически йР учной Ав тома тический Ручной VT-1514_IM.indd 207.12.2012 9:29:23 VT-1514_IM.indd 307.12.2012 9:29:23 4 ENGLISH COFFEE MAKER ESPRESSO/ CAPPUCCINO / L AT T E Description 1. Cup warming tray 2. Cappuccinator pipe 3. Pull-out drip tray 4. Pull-out tray lid 5. Drip tray 6. Drip tray lid 7. Milk tank lid . Cappuccinator pipe angle adЂuЂtment Ђar Ђ. ЂrotЂed milk Ђupply ЂintenЂityЂ knoЂ 1Ђ. Milk intake pipe 11. Milk tank 12. Control panel 13. CoЂЂee maker Ђody 14. ЂnЂЂЂЂ Ђutton ЂЂЂЂЂ 15. Ђater tank lid 16. ЂemoЂaЂle water tank 17. Ђilter Ђolder Ђandle 1. Ђilter clamp 1Ђ. Ђilter Ђolder 2Ђ. Ђilter Ђor one eЂpreЂЂo cup 21. Ђilter Ђor two eЂpreЂЂo cupЂ 22. Ђround coЂЂee meaЂuring Ђpoon witЂ tamper Control panel 23. ЂЂpreЂЂo Ђutton 24. Cappuccino Ђutton 25. Ђatte Ђutton Attention! ЂЂЂ For additional protection it is reason - able to install a residual current device (RCD) with nominal operation current not exceeding 3 mAЂ Ђo install RCD contact a specialistЂ Safety easЂres Ђead tЂeЂe inЂtructionЂ careЂully ЂeЂore uЂing tЂe unit. Ђeep tЂiЂ inЂtruction during tЂe wЂole operation period. MiЂЂandling tЂe unit can lead to itЂ Ђreakage and cauЂe Ђarm to tЂe uЂer or damage to ЂiЂЂ Ђer property. ЂlwayЂ oЂЂerЂe tЂe main ЂaЂety meaЂureЂ wЂen uЂing electric applianceЂЂ namelyЂ ЂЂЂ Ђead tЂiЂ inЂtruction manual careЂully. ЂЂЂ ЂЂe tЂe coЂЂee maker according to itЂ intend- ed purpoЂe only. ЂЂЂ Make Ђure tЂat tЂe mainЂ Ђoltage corre - ЂpondЂ to tЂe Ђoltage ЂpeciЂied on tЂe unit Ђody. ЂЂЂ ЂЂe tЂe Ђocket witЂ reliaЂle grounding contact. ЂЂЂ Ђn order to aЂoid Ђire do not uЂe adapterЂ Ђor connecting tЂe unit to tЂe mainЂ. ЂЂЂ Do not ЂwitcЂ tЂe coЂЂee maker on iЂ tЂe water tank iЂ empty. ЂЂЂ ЂЂe only tЂe acceЂorieЂ Ђupplied. ЂЂЂ ЂeЂore ЂwitcЂing tЂe unit onЂ make Ђure tЂat all remoЂaЂle partЂ are inЂtalled properly. ЂЂЂ Do not toucЂ Ђot partЂ and ЂurЂaceЂ oЂ tЂe coЂЂee maker. ЂЂЂ Ђe careЂul wЂile operating witЂ outgoing Ђteam. ЂЂЂ Do not remoЂe tЂe Ђilter Ђolder during coЂЂee maker operation. ЂЂЂ Place tЂe unit on a Ђlat Ђteady ЂurЂace. ЂЂЂ Ђo aЂoid ЂireЂ electric ЂЂock or pЂyЂical inЂu- rieЂ do not immerЂe tЂe electric cordЂ tЂe plug or tЂe coЂЂee maker Ђody into water or otЂer liЂuidЂ. ЂЂЂ Ђnplug tЂe coЂЂee maker iЂ you donЂЂЂt uЂe it and ЂeЂore cleaning. ЂЂЂ Ђo diЂconnect tЂe coЂЂee maker Ђrom tЂe mainЂ ЂwitcЂ it oЂЂ Ђy preЂЂing tЂe Ђutton Ђ14Ђ and tЂen remoЂe tЂe power plug Ђrom tЂe Ђocket. ЂЂЂ Do not let tЂe power cord Ђang oЂer tЂe edge oЂ tЂe taЂle and toucЂ Ђot ЂurЂaceЂ. ЂЂЂ Do not place tЂe coЂЂee maker on Ђot Ђur- ЂaceЂ. ЂЂЂ Do not uЂe tЂe coЂЂee maker outdoorЂ. ЂЂЂ Do not leaЂe tЂe coЂЂee maker in placeЂ witЂ tЂe temperature Ђelow Ђ`C. ЂЂЂ Ђor cЂildren ЂaЂety reaЂonЂ do not leaЂe polyetЂylene ЂagЂЂ uЂed aЂ a packagingЂ unattended. ЂЂЂ AttentionЂ Do not allow cЂildren to play witЂ polyetЂylene ЂagЂ or Ђilm. DanЂer of sЂfЂ focationЂ ЂЂЂ Do not allow cЂildren to uЂe tЂe unit aЂ a toy. ЂЂЂ Do not leaЂe tЂe operating unit unattendedЂ Ђe eЂpecially careЂul iЂ cЂildren or diЂaЂled perЂonЂ are near tЂe operating unit. ЂЂЂ ЂЂiЂ unit iЂ not intended Ђor uЂage Ђy cЂildren or diЂaЂled perЂonЂ unleЂЂ tЂey are giЂen all tЂe neceЂЂary inЂtructionЂ Ђy a perЂon wЂo iЂ reЂponЂiЂle Ђor tЂeir ЂaЂety on ЂaЂety mea- ЂureЂ and inЂormation aЂout danger tЂat can Ђe cauЂed Ђy improper uЂage oЂ tЂe unit. ЂЂЂ Do not uЂe tЂe coЂЂee maker iЂ tЂe power cord or tЂe plug iЂ damagedЂ iЂ tЂe unit mal- VT-1514_IM.indd 407.12.2012 9:29:24 5 E N G L I S H ЂunctionЂ or iЂ tЂere are otЂer damageЂ in tЂe unit. ЂЂЂ Do not repair tЂe coЂЂee maker Ђy yourЂelЂЂ alwayЂ apply to tЂe autЂoriЂed ЂerЂice center. THE UNIT IS INTENDED FOR HOUSEHOLD US- AGE ONLY Ђefore ЂsinЂ tЂe Ђnit ЂЂЂ Make Ђure tЂat tЂe unit iЂ ЂwitcЂed oЂЂ. ЂЂЂ AttentionЂ Ђefore ЂsinЂ tЂe coffee aЂer for tЂe first tie reoЂe tЂe reЂ rЂЂЂer plЂЂ fro tЂe Ђater tanЂ ЂЂЂЂЂ ЂЂЂ ЂeЂore uЂing tЂe coЂЂee maker Ђor tЂe ЂirЂt timeЂ waЂЂ all remoЂaЂle partЂ witЂ warm water and dry tЂem. ЂЂЂ ЂeЂore ЂwitcЂing tЂe unit onЂ make Ђure tЂat tЂe mainЂ Ђoltage correЂpondЂ to tЂe Ђoltage ЂpeciЂied on tЂe unit Ђody. ЂЂЂ ЂemoЂe tЂe water tank Ђ16ЂЂ Ђill it witЂ cold water till tЂe MЂЂ mark and inЂtall it Ђack to itЂ place Ђpic. 1Ђ. ЂЂЂ ЂemoЂe tЂe milk tank Ђ11ЂЂ Ђill it witЂ cold water till tЂe MЂЂ mark aЂ well and inЂtall it Ђack to itЂ place Ђpic. 2Ђ. ЂЂЂ Ђelect one oЂ tЂe coЂЂee ЂilterЂ Ђ2Ђ or 21ЂЂ and inЂert it into tЂe Ђolder Ђ1ЂЂЂ matcЂing tЂe ledge on tЂe Ђilter witЂ tЂe Ђole on tЂe Ђolder Ђ1ЂЂ and turn tЂe Ђilter clockwiЂeЂanticlock- wiЂe Ђpic. 3Ђ 4Ђ. ЂЂЂ ЂnЂtall tЂe Ђilter Ђolder into tЂe coЂЂee maker. Ђolder ledgeЂ Ђ1ЂЂ ЂЂould matcЂ tЂe groЂeЂ on tЂe Ђoiler Ђpic. 5Ђ and tЂen turn tЂe Ђilter Ђolder Ђandle Ђ17Ђ to tЂe rigЂt till Ђumping Ђpic. 6Ђ 7Ђ. ЂЂЂ Place a correЂponding cup on tЂe reЂpectiЂe tray Ђ3 or 5Ђ and turn tЂe cappuccinator pipe Ђ2Ђ to tЂe cup uЂing tЂe Ђar ЂЂ Ђpic. Ђ. ЂЂЂ ЂnЂert tЂe power plug into tЂe mainЂ Ђocket. ЂЂЂ ЂwitcЂ tЂe coЂЂee maker on Ђy preЂЂing tЂe Ђutton Ђ14ЂЂ tЂe illumination oЂ tЂe ЂuttonЂ Ђ23Ђ 24 and 25Ђ on tЂe control panel will Ђtart ЂlaЂЂing. ЂЂЂ ЂЂen tЂe illumination ЂtopЂ ЂlaЂЂingЂ preЂЂ and Ђold tЂe eЂpreЂЂo Ђutton Ђ23Ђ Ђor 3 Ђec-ondЂ. Ђet tЂe water run Ђor Ђ-ЂЂ ЂecondЂ. ЂЂЂ PreЂЂ tЂe Ђutton Ђ23Ђ once again to ЂwitcЂ water Ђupply oЂЂ. ЂЂЂ Ђelect tЂe waЂЂing mode ЂЂЂCleaningЂЂЂ Ђy turn- ing tЂe ЂrotЂed milk Ђupply knoЂ ЂЂЂ. ЂЂЂ ЂЂen preЂЂ and Ђold tЂe cappuccino Ђut- ton Ђ24Ђ Ђor 3 ЂecondЂ. Ђet tЂe water run Ђor Ђ-ЂЂ ЂecondЂ. ЂЂЂ PreЂЂ tЂe Ђutton Ђ24Ђ once again to ЂwitcЂ water Ђupply oЂЂ. ЂЂЂ ЂЂe illumination oЂ control ЂuttonЂ will ligЂt up conЂtantlyЂ tЂat meanЂ tЂat tЂe unit iЂ ready Ђor operation and tЂe Ђoiler iЂ clean. AttentionЂ ЂЂЂ Do not remoЂe tЂe Ђilter Ђolder Ђ1ЂЂ during tЂe unit operation. ЂЂЂ Do not remoЂe tЂe Ђilter Ђolder Ђ1ЂЂ imme- diately aЂter preparing coЂЂee aЂ tЂere iЂ redundant water and Ђteam preЂЂure inЂideЂ let tЂe coЂЂee maker cool down completely. ЂЂЂ Ђo remoЂe tЂe Ђilter Ђolder Ђ1ЂЂ turn tЂe Ђan- dle to tЂe leЂt and remoЂe tЂe Ђolder. CЂoosinЂ tЂe appropriate cЂp DrinЂ EstiateЂ ЂolЂe of tЂe reaЂy proЂЂct ЂЂpreЂЂo Ђne cup Ђwo cupЂ3Ђ-4Ђ ml7Ђ-Ђ ml Cappuccino Ђne cup Ђwo cupЂ17Ђ ml2Ђ ml Ђatte Ђne cup Ђwo cupЂ34Ђ ml43Ђ ml NoteЂ ЂЂЂ ЂЂe cupЂ ЂЂould Ђe preliminary Ђeated upЂ to do tЂiЂЂ put tЂe cupЂ on tЂe tray Ђ1Ђ wЂile water ЂeatЂ up in tЂe Ђoiler. MaЂinЂ espresso ЂЂЂ Make Ђure tЂat tЂe unit iЂ ЂwitcЂed oЂЂ. ЂЂЂ ЂemoЂe tЂe water tank Ђ16ЂЂ Ђill it witЂ cold water and inЂtall Ђack to itЂ place Ђpic. 1Ђ. ЂЂЂ Ђelect one oЂ tЂe coЂЂee ЂilterЂ Ђ2Ђ or 21ЂЂ and inЂert it into tЂe Ђolder Ђ1ЂЂЂ matcЂing tЂe ledge on tЂe Ђilter witЂ tЂe Ђole on tЂe Ђolder Ђ1ЂЂ and turn tЂe Ђilter clockwiЂeЂanticlock-wiЂe Ђpic. 3Ђ 4Ђ. ЂЂЂ Ђdd ground coЂЂee into tЂe ЂilterЂ 2 Ђull mea- Ђuring ЂpoonЂ - to make two coЂЂee cupЂ and 1 Ђull Ђpoon - to make one coЂЂee cupЂ make eЂen and ЂligЂtly tamp tЂe ground coЂЂee witЂ tЂe Ђack Ђide oЂ tЂe meaЂuring Ђpoon Ђ22Ђ. VT-1514_IM.indd 507.12.2012 9:29:24 6 ENGLISH ЂЂЂ ЂnЂtall tЂe Ђilter Ђolder into tЂe coЂЂee maker. Ђolder ledgeЂ Ђ1ЂЂ ЂЂould matcЂ tЂe groЂeЂ on tЂe Ђoiler Ђpic. 5Ђ and tЂen turn tЂe Ђilter Ђolder Ђandle Ђ17Ђ to tЂe rigЂt till Ђumping Ђpic. 6Ђ 7Ђ. ЂЂЂ Place a correЂponding cup on a reЂpectiЂe tray Ђ3 or 5Ђ and turn tЂe cappuccinator pipe Ђ2Ђ to tЂe cup uЂing tЂe Ђar ЂЂ Ђpic. Ђ. ЂЂЂ ЂnЂert tЂe power plug into tЂe mainЂ Ђocket. ЂЂЂ ЂwitcЂ tЂe coЂЂee maker on Ђy preЂЂing tЂe Ђutton Ђ14ЂЂ tЂe illumination oЂ tЂe ЂuttonЂ Ђ23Ђ 24 and 25Ђ on tЂe control panel will Ђtart ЂlaЂЂing. ЂoteЂ If you donЂЂЂt use the unit for 1 ЂinutesЂ it ЂiЂЂ sЂitЂh to the stЂnd-Ђy Ђode ЂutoЂЂtiЂЂЂЂy for sЂfety reЂsons ЂЂoiЂer heЂtinЂ is sЂitЂhed offЂ the iЂЂuЂinЂtion of ЂontroЂ Ђuttons Ђoes outЂЂ Ђress Ђny ЂontroЂ Ђutton to sЂitЂh ЂЂЂЂ the oЂ- erЂtinЂ ЂodeЂ ЂЂЂ ЂЂen tЂe control ЂuttonЂ Ђtop ЂlaЂЂingЂ preЂЂ tЂe eЂpreЂЂo Ђutton Ђ23Ђ once to make one coЂЂee cup Ђ3Ђ-4Ђ mlЂ. NoteЂ IЂЂuЂinЂtion of the Ђutton ЂЂЂЂ stoЂs fЂЂshinЂ Ђefore the others - it is norЂЂЂЂ ЂЂЂ PreЂЂ tЂe Ђutton Ђ23Ђ twice to make two cupЂ oЂ eЂpreЂЂo. ЂЂЂ PreЂЂ and Ђold tЂe Ђutton Ђ23Ђ Ђor 3 ЂecondЂ to make eЂpreЂЂo at your diЂcretion. ЂЂe unit can make up to 15Ђ ml eЂpreЂЂo and tЂen will Ђe ЂwitcЂed oЂЂ. ЂЂЂ Ђt your diЂcretion you can ЂwitcЂ tЂe coЂЂee Ђupply oЂЂ Ђy preЂЂing tЂe Ђutton Ђ23Ђ again. NoteЂ ReЂeЂted ЂЂЂinЂ of Ђoffee shouЂd Ђe ЂerforЂed Ђfter Ђt ЂeЂst  Ђin interЂЂЂЂ MaЂinЂ cappЂccino AttentionЂ Ђe careЂul not to get ЂurnЂ Ђy tЂe outgoing Ђteam. ЂЂЂ Make Ђure tЂat tЂe unit iЂ ЂwitcЂed oЂЂ. ЂЂЂ ЂemoЂe tЂe water tank Ђ16ЂЂ Ђill it witЂ cold water and inЂtall Ђack to itЂ place Ђpic. 1Ђ. ЂЂЂ ЂemoЂe tЂe milk tank Ђ11ЂЂ Ђill it witЂ milk aЂ well and inЂtall Ђack to itЂ place Ђpic. 2Ђ. ЂЂЂ Ђdd ground coЂЂee into tЂe ЂilterЂ 2 Ђull mea- Ђuring ЂpoonЂ - to make two coЂЂee cupЂ and 1 Ђull Ђpoon - to make one coЂЂee cupЂ make eЂen and ЂligЂtly tamp tЂe ground coЂЂee witЂ

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